
Saxophone Ensemble member:

"I wanted to say a big thank you to you for all your work with the ensemble over the last 2 years (I hadn’t realised it was this long!).

Your endless patience and perseverance, encouragement and enthusiasm have made music a joy for us all and what a sense of achievement to get to our first performance last night. We know that life has been and is tough in so many ways but you have brought fun and laughter and the wonderful experience of making music together such a great privilege."

Director of Music, Magdalen College School: 

"Thank you for everything... You have inspired many generations of clarinettists and the standard of playing has increased enormously under your guidance. The Clarinet Ensembles have really thrived under your direction and the pupils have really enjoyed a special bond working with you."

Parent of pupil, after receiving news of daughter's Grade 8 (piano) Distinction result:

"As you might imagine, we are beside ourselves with joy... most of all, thank you for being just the most incredible piano teacher. You have the most amazing gift of extracting the very best musical qualities out of your pupils, partly by giving them the inspiration they need, and partly by enabling them to look at things from a different perspective (including your clever tricks for practicing difficult passages), and that is something I have never seen before.  There is no way [our daughter] could have won the Pangbourne Piano Festival two years in a row against a much, much older and more experienced field if you hadn’t given her the tools to be as musical as she has become in her delivery and, once again, I suspect this is what has earned her a distinction again (much like her Grade 7 too) earlier this week... it had to be the musicality of her pieces that carried her over the line.  And it did.  And this is basically down to you.  So THANK YOU!!!!" 

For performance: 

"Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your contribution to [my father's] funeral on Friday. Your playing was so moving and captured the mood of poignant reflection perfectly. I've not heard the Chopin Nocturne "live" before and it was all the more wonderful for it, whilst the Schumann Romanze was a brilliant recommendation. When each piece ended, I felt like asking you simply to start again!"

Parent of pupil:

"[Our daughter] is absolutely loving the piano - so nice to see! On Friday we were at the cricket club and there's a very old piano there and she just sat down and played all of her tunes over and over from memory while everyone was there. It was fabulous to see. At the end of the day I just want her to enjoy music and she definitely is at the moment."

Parent of pupil:

"Thank you for teaching [our daughter] so wonderfully. You've totally nailed it with the latest piece - she adores it and has been practising daily without any prompting from us :-)"

Adult pupil: 

"I was lucky enough to find Olivia when looking for a piano teacher to help with my journey as an adult returning to the piano.  I am delighted with the support I continue to receive; the lessons are tailored to my preferences whilst developing essential skills to aid progress.  Olivia is both patient and motivating, hopefully I’ll also pick up some of her musicality along the way!  The facilities/instruments are also of a high standard."